What does Zikirmatik do?You can read your daily Dhikr and prayers very easily and count them like a rosary.You can read Esma-ul husna dhikr like a daily prayer.With the Dhikr Counter application, you can record your dhikr and continue where you left off regularly every day.Dhikr rosary is always in your pocket online.With Virtual Dhikr Counter, you can count not only prayers and dhikr but everything that needs to be counted and continue whenever you want and where you left off.You can easily draw the prayer and rosary to be read after the prayer.You can record the muezzin prayer prayer chants and instantly access how many to read.You can record the morning prayer with tasbihat and follow it from your pocket.Dhikr Counter Plus Features:-Automatic counting mode.- Step counting mode.-Night mode.-Do not record more than one prayer and dhikr words.-Continue from where you left off.